Wednesday, August 31, 2011

173 : Trio of magenta zinnias

Although I liked the lone zinnia, thought this batch of three were too colorful to pass up, especially with the stalk adding a stripe of green to the top.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

172 : Looking down a gayfeather

These are one of the few plants still up in the front yard (all the lucifers and lilies are done!) so thought I'd try to tackle it from a different angle. Found a shorter one and gave it the bird's eye view, and think it turned out alright with all the purples and greens, with a hint of the peach snapdragon in there.

Monday, August 29, 2011

171 : Yellow snapdragon against purple daisy

I think this was the same kind of snapdragon as the one I took a couple days ago, but this one had much more yellow to it. Thought I'd try and shoot it from a different angle, and get this purple daisy in the back for a little color.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

170 : Magenta zinnia

I know I've gotten a few shots of this flower's orange brother, but found a nice lone magenta one (since most of the others seem done for the year!) Just love all the different spots where the light hits, and all the greens in the backdrop.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

169 : Peach snapdragon

Just had to get a shot of this peach snapdragon, so found a nice angle with some greens and a little burgundy in the background. Think the slanted angle (redundant?) adds a little flair to a pretty straight-up shot.

Friday, August 26, 2011

168 : Straight on bee on cone flower

The bees are still all over these flowers, and was lucky enough to get this close to this guy. You can even see the pollen on his legs (and antennae?) if you check out the regular-sized shot... pretty neat I think!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

167 : Orange zinnia

I really think these orange blooms are pretty interesting, but it's a shame they're so close to the ground and small! Can't really alter the angle or background too much, but think the color and the centers are interesting enough on their own!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

166 : Hidden Black Bee

Lots of bees buzzing around the front yard nowadays, so watched this guy make his way around this plant. Love how the bright purple really stands out against the pale backdrop.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

165 : Pale rose

The roses are still around in the backyard, so thought I'd get a shot of this very pale rose. Not sure if it loses it's color as it ages (or gains it?) or if this is it's intended color, but thought it made for a pretty interesting shot with the reddish swabs at the edge of the petals. Like the crisp black backdrop as well.

Monday, August 22, 2011

163 : Dried lucifer stalk

Just loved the texture and color of this dead lucifer stalk, especially agains the sun-spotted green of the 'giant green leaf.' Kind of reminds me of corn husks.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

162 : Purple lily in evening sun

Although the peach lilies are gone, there are still a few purple ones left out front. Just love the warm colors of this one against the dingy lawn backdrop.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

161 : Big leaf

Really just love the pattern and colors of this leaf. Think it's interesting that the lines aren't quite uniform and have different depths and edges and coloring.

Friday, August 19, 2011

160 : Lucifer on angled green

Seems like I haven't shot the lucifer in awhile, and really liked how this set of green stalks crossed against this set of lucifer blooms.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

159 : Black stem on giant leaf

That giant leafy plant is back out front again, and made for a great backdrop for this shot. I think it's interesting how dark this plant is, from the black stems to the dark violet blooms, considering that most of the flowers out front are obviously very light and bright. I'll be sure to get a more focussed shot of the leaf one of these days.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

158 : Yellow lily on black

Although the peach lilies are gone, there's still a few yellow ones out front, and they sure make for a vivid shot in the evening sun. Love the sparkle of the left petal.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

157 : Cotton candy bloom

I've no idea what this plant is either, but I just had to get a shot of it. Just love the streaks of red on each petal, with the little touch of yellow in the middle.

Monday, August 15, 2011

156 : Two very different purple flowers

I really don't know much about these two flowers other they they are photography gold! Love all the depth and texture that the left bloom offers... can't wait until they fill out a bit more!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

155 : Lone lucifer against stem

Every now an then I'll see a lucifer stem with a single bloom left, but really liked how this one looked against another lucifer stem and the 'army camo' of our front lawn.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

154 : Purple lily

Seems as though I've shot most of the other colors of lilies lately, so thought I'd give the pruple ones their dues as well. Sure glad the sun finally poked out this evening.

Friday, August 12, 2011

153 : Last peach lily?

Jill says this is the last peach lily we have out front, so this may be the last shot of this plant this year. Think it turned out pretty well... love the soft earthy tones, especially the warm green background.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

152 : Hidden bee

Really just love how the colors turned out, but think the peek of bee makes it a bit more interesting as well. There's just something about that bright purple agains the vivid green.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

151 : Purple bloom with striped shadows

Really love how this one turned out... a simple bloom with a couple stringy shadows against a wavy green backdrop. All the colors turned out perfect... just seems very calming to me.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

150 : Vibrant cone flower

Really just love how vibrant all the colors turned out in this one... even the green (and a hint of red) in the backdrop turned out pretty strong. Glad we got a bit of sunshine this evening, even if we had to trudge through an overcast day to get it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

149 : Yellow lily head on

Most of the times I shoot these from the side, but I walked past this one and thought it looked pretty interesting facing it straight on. So much yellow that I'm sure Jill will be pleased!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

148 : Red lily on black

Just got this shot in the setting sunlight. Only the lily is high enough to reach what sunlight was left, so everything behind it seemed to get lost in the shadows, which turned out to great effect I think.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

147 : Peach rose

The peach roses in the back yard are in full bloom, and finally got out there in the early afternoon when they've got full sun on them. Love all the peach tones, and the yellow emanating from the center.

Friday, August 5, 2011

146 : Another peach tiger lily shot

I just never tire of shooting these... if there's one blooming that day I'll get a handful of shots, and oftentimes they turn out to be the best shots... much like today!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

145 : Yellow lily corner

Just love this yellow lily against the sidewalk. As much as I love a nice green backdrop, I think the dark slate tone really helps that yellow pop.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

144 : Lucifers on purple blooms

Saw this lucifer above these purple blooms and thought it'd make for quite the colorful shot... too bad the lucifer couldn't have been facing the camera more with that concentric purple bloom around it, but I think it turned out pretty interesting nonetheless.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

143 : Pink tiger lily side

Shot a bunch of different subjects today, but none of the shots turned out quite as nice as this one. Love the texture of that curled petal, and all the bright pinks and yellows against the darkened green. Just a nice shot.

Monday, August 1, 2011

142 : Bumble bee on cone flower

This bee was crawling around this flower for a minute or so, and when he was done you could actually see the pollen all over his legs... but I really liked the composition and colors of this shot. It's neat to see so much wildlife hovering out front... hopefully some day soon I can get a decent hummingbird shot!