Sunday, November 6, 2011
DSPP2011 Slideshow
I managed to export a slideshow out of iPhoto and upload it to YouTube, so if you have 8 minutes and feel like looking over a couple hundred photos, check it out!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
DSPP2011 - Complete!
That's #238, and Daylight Savings ends tonight, so I believe that's the last of them for this year! I'm going to look up an easy way to put up some online slideshow to showcase all the shots from this year in a few minutes. Once I get a link I'll be sure to post it here.
I think I'll do the Pacific Standard project again this year, although not sure if I'll start it up tomorrow or next week... I'll link that also once it's up.
Anyways, thanks for checking out my photos again this year!
- Josh
238 : Wet dahlia with missing petal
This dahlia was missing its "9 o'clock" petal, but it made the perfect window to get a peek of the bloom behind it.
237 : Backside of purple dahlia

Although it would have been nice to be able to shoot the front of this dahlia, it had actually bent over to the point where its face was resting on some other leaves. I actually thought the back was pretty interesting too, with the little white petals from the center, and the stem running across the frame. Think the cool blue hue adds a bit to the greens and purples.
236 : Brown folded big leaf

Back in Oregon, to the cold and rain. Love how the backside of that leaf contrasts so greatly from the front. Love the coarse brown lines running down it... almost looks like leather.
235 : Exotic SoCal flower

I forget what this flower is called, but they are all over the Disneyland region of Anaheim. I didn't get as many DSPP photos as I would have liked while down in SoCal (7-year olds and staying still do not mix) so this will probably be the only pic I post from down south. It sure is a colorful flower.
234 : Trio of lucifer stalks

I love how the lucifer stalks seem to differ so greatly from one another. Some are completely brown, while others still retain most of their green. Loved how these three managed to stack up against one another.
233 : Dogwood leaves on blue
I've been on vacation for the better part of last week, so I suppose I've got a few days worth of photos to make up.
Here are some bright red dogwood leaves against a crisp blue fall sky. I'm glad we finally had some clear skies!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
232 : Nasturtium cornered
Love the sea of little lily-pad-looking leaves along the ground with a splash of color here and there.
Friday, October 28, 2011
231 : Rusted big leaf
I love how this big leaf looks like someone spilled coffee on it... adds an interesting organic element to the shot.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
230 : Sunflower petal backsides
There are still a couple sunflowers up, so try to get them into the rotation every now and again. Love the little ripples running along the petals.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
229 : Red/yellow dahlia from above
Couldn't actually shoot this one face on as the sun was behind it, so took this elevated angle instead. Think it turned out pretty well as it got that great green backdrop from the lawn.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
228 : Backlit leaf at sunset

By the time I got home all the front yard was in shadows, so made my way to the backyard. Luckily the sun was still barely peeking above the horizon, and I got a handful of shots with the sun against the leaves of the trees in our backyard. Just like this one with the highlighted edges and some cobwebs to boot.
Monday, October 24, 2011
227 : Purple dahlia bud
Loved this little spec of purple against an otherwise green palette. Hopefully it'll bloom soon, if the frost doesn't finish it off tonight! Here's hoping for a warmer-than-expected night!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
226 : Brown lucifer stalk
The lucifer stalks have turned a crispy brown, but still make for an interesting shot in the sunlight... especially against a light green backdrop.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
225 : Dahlia core

Unfortunately all the petals have blown off this purple dahlia, but the core that is left behind still has some bright color and interesting texture to offer. And looks like there's another purple dahlia bloom on the way in the near future.
Friday, October 21, 2011
224 : Bee on dahlia
Back to shooting the dahlias when this bee showed up. For some reason I fee l like the lighting almost makes the whole image look artificial, but I think it turned out kind of interesting.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
223 : Decaying cone flower

I could shoot the dahlias all day, but thought I'd try and get a shot of the last cone flower that still has managed to keep most of its color. Love how vivid the petals still are even though it's the middle of October.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
222 : Sunflower with center ring
There's actually still a few sunflowers up, so thought I'd try and get a shot of them. Really love the texture on what's going on with the center ring.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
221 : Purple dahlia corner

Lots of sun today, but also lots of wind, which unfortunately renders many photos out of focus! But the wind died down enough to get a few crisp shots. Just love the colors... although looks like there may be another red dahlia in the near future!
Monday, October 17, 2011
220 : Orange dahlia against purple
The wet, droopy dahlia bud (from a photo a few days back) has finally bloomed into this... with the open purple dahlia still to be found in the background. Sounds like it should be clear again tomorrow evening, so hope to get another bright shot of the dahlias.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
219 : Purple dahlia centered close-up

Really love all the all the different shades of purple in this, from the varying colors of the petals to the light and shadow in certain spots.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
218 : Red dahlia and stem

Actually got some sun today, so managed to get some nice crisp shots of the dahlias out front. Love the little specs of pollen on the bottom petal. Love all the greens in the backdrop.
Friday, October 14, 2011
217 : Orange bloom and purple dahlia
Thought this little orange bloom would make for an interesting show against the green and purple of the plants behind it. Hopefully they'll be a break in the weather this weekend to try and shoot these with a bit stronger colors.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
216 : Red dahlia head-on
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
215 : Purple dahlia

One of the purple dahlias has finally bloomed, and it's pretty interesting. If the petals get a little moisture and some sunlight, at the right angle they appear really pale, giving the whole bloom some interesting colors. The yellow and green sure add quite a bit as well I think.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
214 : Orange dahlia closeup

It's a good thing I got a good shot of this bloom at lunch, because by the time I got home it had pretty much been destroyed. Seems we got a pretty good rain and wind storm at some point this afternoon, and did a number on our front yard... so we'll see what I can get tomorrow for a photo!
Monday, October 10, 2011
213 : Spider silhouette

So there's this spider hanging on the outside of one of our windows in the living room, and it is creepy. But makes for a cool silhouette for sure... especially all the little bumpy hairs on his legs!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
212 : Orange dahlia on green

Really love how this bloom looks against a green backdrop... really helps brighten all the yellows and oranges, and the backdrop itself turned out pretty interesting I though.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
211 : Red dahlia blooming

Looks like Jill planted some red dahlias alongside the orange ones. Not sure why they're taking a bit longer to bloom than the orange ones, but is sure is a welcome sight this late in the year! And Jill's silver car make for a perfect neutral backdrop to really help those reds and yellows pop.
Friday, October 7, 2011
210 : Striped stalk

Loved the coloring on this stalk, especially with the bit of magenta in the background. Hard to believe there's only a few weeks left of this year's project!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
209 : Arcing sunflower center

Thought I'd get another shot of the big sunflower... really like the rough texture of the center of the sunflower, especially against all the smooth petals and backdrop.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
208 : Cone flowers and bell flowers

Surprisingly, there are still a few cone flowers alive and kicking in the front yard, and I even found an angle to get some of the bell flowers in as well.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
207 : Orange dahlia... now with bee!
Had some sun during lunch and went to go get some more shots of this dahlia, and found this little bee on there. Love all the colors in the sunlight, and the texture of the bee's wings... be sure to check the original size to see!
Monday, October 3, 2011
206 : Orange dahlia

Looks like we're actually getting new blooms still popping up out front, which is great news because everything else seems to be dying off! WIsh I had more sunlight to work with to really get some vivid colors, but I this flower has so much going for it that I think it's still rather interesting to look at. Love all the pale yellows to patches of orange, with the cool green backdrop.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
205 : Long-seeded sunflower
Love the center of this type of sunflower... it seems to open up from the outside and work its way to the center, and then these long black seeds pop up... pretty neat.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
204 : Backside of sunflower

Grey out most of the day, but found enough light to get a nice shot of one of the sunflowers from the backside. Love all the shadows that the layers of petals create.
Friday, September 30, 2011
203 : Sunflower bloom and bud
Just love how this flower has a full bloom and a bud ready to bloom, with just a touch of sunlight. Love the cold blue backdrop as well.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
202 : Sunflower facing down

Seems like the bigger sunflowers tend to 'bow over' under their own weight, causing the flower to face down. Sure makes it tough to get the flower's face in the sun, but makes for an interesting shot nonetheless. Love the texture of the face of the flower against the yellow, and the colors of the bottom half of the frame, notably that bright green of the sunflower's leaf.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
201 : Shadows across brown stalk
Not only did I think this stalk had a great color and texture, but some interesting shadows as well! Just love the warm oranges/browns mixed in with the greens and yellows.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
200 : Magenta zinna
There's still a few of these zinnia blooming out front... just like this one in the soft light against the green and purple.
Monday, September 26, 2011
199 : Spider in the leaves

Was out front shooting the sunflowers and saw this spider up in the rhododendron leaves. Love all the shapes (and different depths) of the leaves against the cold grey sky, with the sharp spider in the center.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
198 : Rainy sunflower

Saturday, September 24, 2011
197 : Big leaf and purple daisy

Couldn't pass up this shot on the big leaf out front with the purple daisy in the background. Just love the scratchy green lines in the leaf, and the green/purplish of the backdrop.
Friday, September 23, 2011
196 : Brown streaked stalk
I really liked how the other dying stalk shot turned out, so I wanted to try it again with a different plant that had a bit more green but with some yellow and brown streaks. Think all the colors turned out great... even in the background!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
195 : (Mostly) opened sunflower

One of the 'real' sunflowers are finally in bloom, so thought it make for a nice shot of this sunny day. It was a little hazy out, which is why i think the sky didn't turn out a bit bluer, but liked how those two petals couldn't quite make it open with the rest of them.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
194 : Dying stalk
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
193 : Green bee on sunflower

Every now and then I see a certain type of bee that seems to have a green body. Not sure how these differ from their 'normal' counterparts, but sure add a little touch of color to a yellow and brown sunflower photo.
Monday, September 19, 2011
192 : White sunflower centered
Since we couldn't plant sunflowers in the side yard, we planted two batched out front: one close to the house and one close to the sidewalk. Problem is, all but the tallest sunflowers in the batch close to the house are already in shade by the time I get home at night. But luckily the second batch isn't, and it's finally sporting some blooms!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
191 : Rose bud
Saturday, September 17, 2011
190 : Straight on sunflower
Kind of gray out, but still thought a shot of this sunflower would work out. I do like just the yellow and black of the image though...
Friday, September 16, 2011
189 : Peach rose on black

The sun was just high enough to get light on this rose, and have the side of the house all covered in shadow. Certainly make for a dramatic image though... love all the pointed corners of the petals around the edge.
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