Tuesday, May 31, 2011
080 : Dark rhododendon
Monday, May 30, 2011
079 : Rhododendron against pink and green
I always seem to get a lot of these 'profile' shots of the rhododendron again the green lawn or the blue sky, so thought it was neat when I saw a chance to get one against this bright pink. The background sure turned out pretty vibrant!
edit: for some reason the 'preview' image on this post looks awfully pixelated... not sure if it is Safari, or how Blogspot compressed the image, so be sure to click on it to see the original image!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
078 : Bursting purple bloom

Wanted to get a nice up close shot of one of the flowers. Kind of neat that this blooms is really dozens of little tiny flowers... very cool.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
077 : Twig silhouetted leaf

After a week of photos from last weekend's Sister's trip, I'm back to 'original' photos today. Went out back and caught this image of a leaf from the the lilac bush with the shadow from some nearby sticks, and thought it made for a cool shot. Love the texture of the leaf... seems to really pop out when the sunlight passes through it, as opposed to just reflecting off it.
Friday, May 27, 2011
076 : Tulips

Another gray day here, so I'm posting another shot from last weekend. Just loved all the colors from this shot, from the oranges and pinks of the tulips to the hint of purple in the bottom right.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
075 : Twin red tulips
Another shot from this weekend... although I really like the shot, I hesitated posting this one because I feel that the red isn't quite right... maybe a little too overexposed and 'glowy', but everything else turned out well enough that I think it's far better than any rainy-day shot I would have gotten today.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
074 : Closed red tulip on speckles
Pretty rainy out, so posting another photo from last weekend. Just loved the shape and color of the tulip... against the splotches of purple from the tiny flowers below... would love to get some ground cover like that somewhere in our yard!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
073 : Peach tulip on green
Monday, May 23, 2011
072 : Peachy tulip
Seemed a shame just to use one shot I took over the weekend, so though I'd upload a second one today. This one is of a tulip from my mom's backyard against some little blue flowers hidden in the shadows. Loved the colors of the petals, and how the tulip seemed to open up as opposed to keeping their usual cone shape.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
071 : Pointed tulip

My mom has these super-cool tulips in her backyard, and had to get some shots of them over the weekend. Just love the colors against the cool blue... love the white highlights in the petals.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
070 : Rhododendron half
I found a spot where the rhododendron bush had a nice dark backdrop, and thought it was perfect for the white stamen to poke out against. Just love the simple color scheme of pink, white, and black.
Friday, May 20, 2011
069 : Purple plant against tulip

Added these to the front yard last fall as well, but don't recall the name of them off the top of my head. They sure have a lot going on with them, but really work well against the greens and pinks of the grass and tulips in the front yard.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
068 : Shaded rhododendron on green

Although it was blue skies and sunny, the best shot I got was actually of this shaded rhododendron. Loved all the stamen poking out against the bright green background, and the dark pinks and greens of the petals and leaf respectively.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
067 : Lilac just blooming

I love shooting this time of year... the days are longer, the weather is (usually) sunnier, and there's so many options for me to shoot. Dogwood blooms, rhododendron(s), the last of the tulips, and now the lilac. I'll be sure to return out back in a week or two when all the little buds are blooms.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
066 : Tulip corner

Seems like the tulips are losing their petals, so thought I'd get some shots before they're gone for the year. Really love the bright pink against the green, and the texture of the back petal.
Monday, May 16, 2011
065 : Stamen silhouette
Worked late tonight, so by the time I got home most of my usual subjects were already in shadows. Got some silhouette shots of the rhododendron out front, and really liked how this one turned out, from the detailed stamen to the ruffled (and multi0colored) petals along the side.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
064 : Backside of dogwood

Didn't have much sun to work with, but managed to find some sun and blue sky to get some dogwood shots. Just really love the colors in this one.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
063 : Sun-spotted dogwood bloom

Really loves all the sun and shadows in this shot, from the bloom to the backdrop... really helps bring out the bright colors in the sunlit areas.
Friday, May 13, 2011
062 : Lily stalk shadows on tulip
Just thought these shadows made an interesting pattern against the tulip petals. Just glad to have enough sun recently to have shots with shadows!
061 : Shadowed dogwood bloom

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
060 : Peek inside tulip

Thought it was neat that this tulip had a little gap to be able to peek inside. It's tough shooting 'down the barrel' since the stamen are so tall and narrow, so think this was a preferable vantage point. Think the lawn made for a great backdrop.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
059 : Shaded dogwood

Really thought this one turned out pretty interesting. Love how bright the background turned out, and love how the branch winds back into the distance and up to the top right corner.
Monday, May 9, 2011
058 : Raindropped pink tulip

Sunday, May 8, 2011
057 : Dogwood bloom on blue

Rained most of the day, but did get an afternoon break of sun and blue sky. Really wanted to get some dogwood shots as they finally have this bright pink color to them. They seem to start off darker and lighten as Spring goes on... but were a perfect shade today!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
056: Raindropped petal and blades
Just liked this shot of the petals and green blades with the raindrops. Was lucky enough to just get enough light... just enough to cast a soft shadow it seems!
Friday, May 6, 2011
055 : Rhododendron bud

It was dumping rain by the time I got home, so thought I'd use a shot I took earlier in the week and didn't use. Just love the textures in the petals and those coarse leaves.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
054 : Looking down yellow tulip
Not sure why only the pink ones popped up first, but now a yellow tulip has finally budded out front. Thought I'd try and get a shot looking in since it was a nice sunny day, and seemed to turn out alright. Wish the tulip would have opened up a bit more, but thought it turned out pretty interesting nonetheless.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
053 : Pink tulip against Japanese maple

Maybe my favorite shot this year. Just saw this tulip out front, and thought the purple of the Japanese maple would make for a nice backdrop. Love that the bottom of the tulip has a nice white border, and the hints of green in the bottom right as well. Be sure to click on it to check out the detail in the tulip!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
052: Backlit white daffodil

Love how the back petals provide shadows for the front petals, and the texture on the white petals. For whatever reason the daffodils in the back yard seem to pop up later, but last longer, so maybe I'll get a few more daffodil shots yet.
Monday, May 2, 2011
051 : Closed Tulip bud

Wet, but some sun as the evening went on. Managed to get this shot of a closed tulip out front. Love the blades coming across the bottom of the shot... and think the green goes well against the magenta of the bud.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
050: Bright tulip on daffodil stems

Got a bunch of photos of the pink tulips opened, and two of this tulip. Unfortunately, the pink tulip shots didn't turn out well, and loved the colors in this one. Will have to figure out a way to get a solid open tulip shot in the near future...
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