Sunday, July 31, 2011

141 : Darkened yellow lily

Every now and again the camera will use a really short shutter speed (in this case 1/2000) and produce kind of a dark version of a sunny photo. And every now and again I think the results are really interesting. Love how the lily turned out buttery yellow.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

140 : Butterfly on cone flower

So exhausted from going to the beach today that I didn't get around to posting this last night... sorry!

I did manage to get this shot Saturday morning before heading out though... wish I could have gotten a bit closer, and maybe gotten a different angle, but this was the last shot I was able to get of the butterfly before it took off. That said, I think its presence adds a lot to the shot... hope it comes back again!

Friday, July 29, 2011

139 : Cone flower half

These cone flowers seem to start off with white petals, which eventually get some purple to them. Seems like they finally got their full hue now, and loved how it looked against the orange, blue, and red of some of the other flowers.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

138 : Peach lily side

Seems like every week I have to get at least one shot of these peach lilies, and just loved all the warm yellows, pale peach, and greens in this shot.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

137 : Purple flowers on orange

Not sure of the names of these purple flowers, but they sure offer some color on a sunny day. Just love all the different colors, light and shadow.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

136 : Peach rosebud

Went to go out to water and noticed the roses and thought this bud would make for an interesting shot. I love having the neutral backdrop of the house, so it'll be interesting to see how these types of shots will turn out next year when the house is a darker color!

Monday, July 25, 2011

135 : Yellow lily against sidewalk

The sidewalk sure makes for a great dark neutral backdrop, especially for these bright yellow lilies. I'll be sure to return to these blooms very soon, assuming the sun sticks around!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

134 : Violet blooms on blue

I really liked how the colors of these blooms popped against the orange from a few days ago, but thought they looked nice against a cool backdrop as well. I think it's interesting that the stem and leaves really are almost pure black (seems rare!) and only the blooms have a bright color.Can't wait to see a whole sting of these instead of just a couple blooms here and there.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

133 : Light and dark purple lily

Sorry for the delay... tried changing settings on our wireless router last evening to allow more devices, but suffice to say it did not go well. Anyways, got this shot of the lily with all sorts of interesting light and shadows, and just really liked the harsh light on it, causing the colors to pale a bit.

Friday, July 22, 2011

132 : Early cone flower on green

I actually like that the focal length turnd out so short in this one, as I really like how the petals in the back seem to blend into the bright green backdrop. Sure is nice having some sunshine again to bring out these colors.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

131 : Cold purple lily

Overcast today, which left this lily shot with a cold blue hue. I actually think it helps bring out the purple and green a bit... kind of a different shade of a shot I've gotten a couple times before. Still love those curly petals.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

130 : Violet blooms on orange

We got some purple blooms popping up right in front of the red hot pokers... sure makes for a nice contrast of colors! Can't wait to see what other color combinations pop up in the next couple months.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

129 : Wet peach lily

Sure enough a couple of those buds bloomed, but once again it was gray and overcast, and even a bit rainy. It's a shame the colors are so dim compared to a sunny day, but the raindrops always add some interesting light and texture effects.

Monday, July 18, 2011

128 : Four lily buds

Although not vibrant and bright, I really liked the composition of this shot and just had to pick it for today's post. And hopefully this means tomorrow I'll have a handful of new lilies to shoot!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

127 : Lucifer on blue

Crazy rainy and gray here, and didn't get any shots I liked, so I'm uploading an old shot. Seems a waste to have some nice shots and not get to post them, so I figured this would beat some drab, not quite crisp shot. Let's hope for some sun on Monday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

126 : Yellow lily petal

I'm not sure I have gotten a photo of the yellow lily yet this year, and really love how the petal sparkles in the sunlight, similar to the day lilies. Love the rippled texture of the petal as well... the sun/shadows really help bring it out in this one.

Friday, July 15, 2011

125 : Twin peach lilies

I know I just shot this lily, but couldn't take the chance that one of them would be dead tomorrow! Just love that the whole frame is oranges and yellows and reds... wish I could get a couple of the other lilies lined up like this.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

124 : Red lucifer strand

Most of the lucifer buds have bloomed, but there's still some stragglers just now getting around to opening up. As much as I love these red ones, I sure think the orange lucifers look pretty cool too!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

123 : Peach lily side

Back to the peach lily... really just love the soft colors... and even the more vibrant ones from the second lily in the backdrop.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

122 : Delphinium on green

Really enjoyed the last shot I took of these, so wanted to get another try with a little sun on them... just love how the palette turned out on this one... even that pinch of yellow.

Monday, July 11, 2011

121 : Lone lucifer open

Looks like our lucifers are finally starting to bloom... but this stem just had a single open flower, and thought it made for an interesting shot against the other lucifer leaves. Love the hints of yellow in the stems of the other buds.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

120 : Red lily

The red lilies are up... couldn't pass it by!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

119 : Peach lily and green

Another peach lily was up, so had to get a few shots of it. I know I've taken a couple lately, but decided to pull back a little and get some of that earthy green in... really makes for a great palette I think.

Friday, July 8, 2011

118 : Big and little orange flowers

Looks like these are on their way out, so I thought I better snap a shot of them before they faded away! I was hoping they would get a bit larger so I could get in a little closer, but the smaller little bloom sure helped add some bright color to the left side of the frame.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

117 : Purple lily facing left

Really just love all the colors in this shot, from the yellow and purple of the lily to the splotchy greens and yellows of the backdrop. Actually switched to manual focus for some of these shots, so I was pleased to see how crisp the stamen turned out. So much great stuff to shoot nowadays I fear I'm going to miss something!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

116 : Peach lily corner

Another peach lily was blooming, and since the last one was gone the next day, I figured I better jump on the chance. Really liked that the stamen turned out in focus, as well as the edges of the petals. Sure love all the bright colors.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

115 : Angled red hot poker

I think I kind of cropped the last one I shot of these a little high, and wanted to show the actual blooms of this crazy plant that occur towards the bottom. Really love the green/yellow backdrop too... perfect for that bright sunlit orange.

Monday, July 4, 2011

114 : Twin curled purple lily petals

I think it's interesting how a few of these petals have some serious curls to them, while others just seem straight and more ruffled on the side. Looks like there'll be plenty more of these in the near future with all those buds coming up from the bottom.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

113 : Red calalily with white pollen

I've no idea what the white stuff is on the center of the flower, but it made for some great contrast in the middle of all that red. Love how the shadow shows off the texture of the petal.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

112 : Sparkling day lily

On a sunny day, the day lilies have a little sparkle to them. Haven't hardly seen it this year, so I'm glad I had a chance to capture the effect!

Friday, July 1, 2011

111 : Red hot pokers on green

Looks more orange to me, but I suppose 'red hot' really implies a bright orange hue. Just love the bright orange against the wavy green. Sure is nice having some sun to really make those colors pop!